Tuesday, August 24, 2010


More often than not, the testimonies that I hear from others are filled with heart-ache, pain, and the like. These stories usually share the power of Jesus through his ability to help one overcome such life controlling devastation, and helps others in similar situations cope with the troubles of their own. I love to hear about how Jesus does these things, but usually have a hard time relating because I haven't experienced many things like that. Maybe I just look at the glass as half full – an optimist of some sort; maybe I’m a lucky person on a fantastic winning streak; or maybe I’m blessed. Whatever the reason, my story is a little different.
Every couple of years, I get the chance to go to the infamous Burns family reunion. That is my mother’s side of the family, and the side that really takes hold of Jesus. We always have a kitchen filled with freshly baked casseroles, home-cooked dishes of all types, enough BBQ to feed a small army, and about fifty Solo cups personalized with a Sharpie prior to everyone’s arrival. Before the meal begins we always hold hands, say a prayer, and sing the song God Is So Good, thanking him for the blessings that he has so graciously given our family. I know…it’s a little cheesy, and I usually have a pretty good time laughing about it with my father and two older cousins. They like to make up their own verses with ridiculous lyrics like, “We want some food. We want some food…” By the end of the song no one in the room can breathe because they are laughing so hard.
As I was driving away from the last family reunion singing one of those hilarious verses, I took a minute to note all of the nice cars pulling out of the drive along with me. I noticed the nice house that we were leaving, now only a picture in the rear-view mirror. I also took note of the houses that each of these families was traveling back too – including my own. We truly are a family that has it “good” – a family truly blessed.
I began thinking back on all of my life’s big events. You know, the life-changing things – stuff that shapes and molds the future. As I was thinking, I began to realize that I don’t have stories that hurt to talk about, memories filled with pain, or burdens so heavy that everyone around me can hear my back-bone cracking. Instead, my past is filled with laughter and smiles shared with my entire family; memories filled with love and stories jam-packed with joy; uncountable blessings. Why does God choose to bless me with so many wonderful things? What could I have possibly done to deserve such good things? Of course the answer is nothing.
In Luke 10 Jesus is found teaching. At the end of his sermon he did something different, “23…he turned to his disciples and said privately, "Blessed are the eyes that see what you see. ‘“ Those words speak to me because my eyes have truly seen countless blessings. In fact, my testimony is full of them - I bet that yours is too. And yes it is still cheesy, but perhaps the next time I sing that silly song with my family I will think differently.

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